Quantocks Lichens and Bryophytes
Amandinea punctata
- Parmotrema perlatum (Underside black with sparse simple rhizines)
- Frullania dilatata (Small lobed leaf on underside is rounded unlike other Frullania)
- Physcia tenella (Lacking the hood of adscendens on the tips)
- Amandinea punctata (Lacks C+ red of L.elaeochroma. Simple spores gave a way the identity)
- Orthotrichum affine
- Phlyctis argena
- Punctelia sp pos subrudecta
- Barbula convoluta
- Brachythecium rutabulum? (2mm leaves favours the Brachythecium group and being on soil favours B.rutabulum)
- Isothecium myosuroides (Grows on tree trunks form thick matts. Removing some you can see that it is tree like)
- Pseudoscleropodium purum (Long shoots up to 8cm or more. Single nerve present and green stem are good pointers).
- Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (The Rhytidiadelphus with spiky shoot tips)
- Cryphaea heteromalla (Erect shoots on tree branches and capsules on short seta amongst the leaves).
- Didymodon fallax (Longer leaves than Barbula and lacking the yellow/green of that species. Lacks the underside contrast between nerve and leaf colour in Trichostomum crispulum).
- Gloniopsis praelonga (Looks like lirellate lichen Graphina ruiziana but the muriform ascospores are 22µm long, too short for this species).
- Punctelia subrudecta (Medula C+ red, soralia laminal and not marginal).
- Campylopus introflexus (This one didn't have the typical hair-point reflex when dry so was identified by habitat, distribution and leaf comparison under the microscope).
- Calliergonella cuspidata (The pointed side shoots on the branches give away the identity of this species).
- Hypnum cupressiforme (Leaves with no nerve and often with the leaves curling to the underside).