Madeira 8th August to 15th August 2013
Pelagic 1st day - 9th August | Pelagic 2nd day - 10th August | Pelagic 3rd day - 12th August
Weather conditions for all 3 pelagics were roughly force 3 north-easterlies. We weren't sure what the best wind direction was for producing birds but knew that windy condtions were best and the results certainly reflected this. All photos at sea were taken with a 70-300mm Nikkor on a Nikon D7000 SLR. On land I again used the 70-300mm but also digiscoped some of the trickier species. Madeira Wind Reports | Madeira Wind Website
Laughing Dove - One seen at Ponta da Cruz on the 8th August.
Roseate Tern - Seen in Funchal Marina and at sea.
Atlantic Canary - Regularly encounter throughout the Island.
Cattle Egret - One seen flying overhead and continuing east at Canical
Yellow-legged Gull - Many seen with most around the coast and smaller numbers at sea and on the mountain plateau.
Spanish Sparrow - A party seen on the coast at Canical.
Xanthorhoe rupicola - One seen on the roadside in the mountains.
Madeiran Chaffinch - Not always easy to find but can be reliably seen at certain key sites. Very different to it's European relative.
Plain Swift - Quite common over much of the Island
Berthelot's Pipit - Encountered in areas of sparse vegetation by the coast and in the mountains. Spectacled Warbler - Only two seen: At Prazares and Ponta do Pargo. Spilostethus pandurus - Several seen flying around scrub at Ponta do Pargo above the light house. Anthrax anthrax - One on a wall near Pocos at the north end of the Island.
Trocaz Pigeon - Doing quite well on the Island with good numbers seen at several sites on the wooded mountain slopes.
Cyclophora maderensis - Seen at Faja da Nogueira
Red-veined Darter - Not much of an expert on dragonflies but believe this to be Red-veined Darter perhaps immature male. There is yellow at the base of the hindwing and a yellow pterostigma with a strong black border.