Pseudevernia furfuracea (Covererd in isida, channeled and blackened underside)
Parmelia saxatilis (Isidiate, effigurate pseudocyphellae on upper leaf, black underside turning brown at the tips)
Chaenotheca brunneola? (brown globose 5µm spores, stalk to 1.4mm, yellow-green pruina on stalk or apothecia)
Acrocordia gemmata (Black 1mm perithecia, white crustose thallus)
Mycobilimbia pilularis (1-septate 12x5µm spores)
Cresponea premnea (greenish pruina in disks, 5-septate spores, white thallus).
Pertusaria amara? (Keys OK except no KC+ purple on soralia)
Hypogymnia physodes (hollow thallus, flatter lobes than H.tubulosa)
Lecania naegelii (3-septate slightly curved spore, on twigs with Xanthorian communities).
Opegrapha herbarum (25x6µm 3-septate spores, K-)
Pyrenula chlorospila (.4mm apothecia, 28x12µm spores)
Pertusaria leioplaca